About Us

Hairdressers Near Me (hairdressersnearme.com.au) makes it easy to search and find Hairdressers and Hair Salons online.

We also provide Hairdressers and Hair Salons with a low cost effective marketing service across multiple online channels.

This is to assist Hairdressers and related businesses with their online marketing and brand awareness. We also aim to assist with any promotional activities for promoting Hairdressers and Hair Salon Products and Services.  These channels include:

The Web:

  • Creating a listing for your Hairdressing related business in our Online Directory
    • Additional listings and exposure for offers or deals
    • more coming

Video Marketing:

  • Video creation using different templates for local businesses, products and services
    • Hosted video solutions
    • YouTube (hosted on our channel and fully optimised)
    • Vimeo (hosted on our channel and fully optimised)

We provide a video download so that can also post these videos to your website and/or social media accounts.

Social Media Marketing:

We can also use graphics or video content and share across our social media accounts.